Day 1 of Project Peak: Check In & Send Off
Project Peak check in will take place in the afternoon on August 17th (specific details are in the Welcome Packet you will receive upon registration). We encourage family and friends to come to check in with you in case they have any questions or concerns before sending you off! If you will be living on campus, you will have the opportunity to move into your residence hall early on August 17th (specific details are in the Welcome Packet you will receive upon registration).
During check in we will welcome students, families, and friends, give a brief welcome talk, and allow you to say your goodbyes! Then, you will be separated into your teams where you will meet your student trip leaders and peers who will be going on the adventure with you! We will participate in some team building activities before sending each trip off to their campsites in vans.
Each group will then drive to their campsite, set up camp, cook dinner, and get to know each other before going to sleep for the night!
Day 2-4 of Project Peak: Outdoor Activities
Each trip has individually planned activities for each day of the trip depending on their location and interests. Each morning, groups will wake up, make breakfast, and then head to their activity for the day (for some groups this will mean driving to a new location for their activity and for others this will mean packing up camp and backpacking/biking/canoeing to their next campsite), eat lunch, arrive back at camp, cook dinner, and then go to sleep for the night. Trip leaders will keep the group on schedule and facilitate some conversations and activities, but participants will be active in helping cook and clean and developing relationships with their peers.
Day 5 of Project Peak: Closing and Return to Campus
On the morning of August 21st, groups will wake up and have breakfast, complete the Project Peak closing activity, pack up their campsite and drive back to campus. Once on campus, the groups will clean and organize gear, say their goodbyes, and then join their fellow new students for the welcome Preamble events (specific details are in the Welcome Packet you will receive upon registration).
UNIV 108: Fall Semester
Students will then reconvene throughout their first semester in their UNIV 108 courses. There are multiple sections of the course, so students will be in class with students who were on their specific trip and others who went on different trips. Throughout the semester, students will continue to build upon the foundations that were created on their Project Peak trips!